Born 1961, Morristown, NJ
Lives New Hope, PA
2000 Pratt Institute, MFA
1995 University of Pennsylvania, BFA
1988 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Certificate
Selected One and Two-Person Exhibitions
2019 Gary Gissler / Huston Ripley, Owen James Gallery, NYC
2011 Drawings, Adam Baumgold Gallery, NYC
2007 New Drawings, Feature Inc., NYC
Drawn Out and Shot, with Kit Brown, Projects Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
2006 Metaphysics and the Virtual, with Joseph Nechvatal, curated by Robert C.
Morgan, Lab Gallery, NYC
2000 Tissue Drawings, Monk Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Paintings, Planet Thailand, Brooklyn, NY
1997 Paintings and Napkin Drawings, New Arts Salon, Philadelphia, PA
1990 Paintings, Gallery Axiom, Philadelphia, PA
1989 Huston Ripley: Recent Work, Gallery 3601, University of Pennsylvania
1988 Bodylines, Studio Diaboliques, Philadelphia, PA
Selected Group Exhibitions
2025 REUNION (Once Upon a Time in Philadelphia), curated by Michael Gallagher, Cerulean Arts,
Philadelphia, PA
2024 Vessel: A Selection of Alumni Artworks from the Collection, curated by C.J. Stahl, Alumni Gallery,
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
2022 Good Times, Owen James Gallery, NYC
HEY! LE DESSIN, curated by Anne Richard, Le Musée de la Halle Saint Pierre, Paris (Catalog)
2021 Drawing, curated by Owen Houhoulis, Brooke Alexander, Inc., NYC
+ & - Vol. 2, Lorimoto Gallery, Ridgewood, NY
Dark Matter/Grey Matter, Owen James Gallery, NYC
2020 New Nude 2, Gestalt Projects, bG Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
Cabinet de Curiosités Ancien, Moderne et Contemporain, Galerie Béatrice Soulié, Marseille
XO, curated by Rachel Bliss, The Drawing Room, Philadelphia, PA
2019 Monster Drawing Show, curated by Rachel Bliss, The Drawing Room, Philadelphia, PA
Catharsis, Galerie Christine Deom, Brain-sur-Allonnes, France
2017 Latent Content Analysis, curated by Jason Patrick Voegele, The Lodge Gallery, NYC
Sleeping on the Skin of a Nightmare: A Group Show of Post-Magic Modern
Mystery, curated by Aurel Schmidt, Romeo Gallery, NYC
2016 Maverick, Cavin-Morris Gallery, NYC
Luxembourg Art Week, Galerie Toxic, Luxembourg
2015 HEADSTRONG, Adam Baumgold Gallery, NYC
In Missa Interfectionis, Verum, Stephen Romano Gallery, Brooklyn, NY (catalog)
Abundantia Cornu Copiae, Stephen Romano Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Heaven and Hell, Galerie Toxic, Luxembourg
Metro Show, Stephen Romano Gallery, NYC
DDESSIN, Galerie Polysémie, Paris
2014 1st 20 Yrs., Selections, Adam Baumgold Gallery, NYC
Galerie Polysémie et Nadine Servant Preséntent, Galerie B&B, Paris
KIAF/14: The 13th Korea International Art Fair, Galerie Toxic, Seoul
OFF: Contemporary Art Fair, Galerie Polysémie, Brussels
DDESSIN, Galerie Polysémie, Paris
art KARLSRUHE, Galerie Polysémie, Reinstellen, Germany
2013 Art on Paper, Galerie Polysémie, Brussels
Exposition d’oeuvres sur papier & autres, curated by Jean Michel Marchais, Galerie Quai Est,
Ivry sur Seine, France
2012 Face to Face, Adam Baumgold Gallery, NYC
Fiction/Nonfiction, Adam Baumgold Gallery, NYC
Salon International de l’Estampe et du Dessin au Grand Palais à Paris, Galleria
del Leone, Paris
La Salon du Dessin Contempoain, Galerie Charlotte Norberg, Paris
2011 Espaces de destin - Espèces de dessins, curated by Al Martin, Le 19, Centre
Règional d’art contemporain de Montbéliard, Montbéliard, France (catalog)
Résumé 2, Trafic Galerie, Paris
Drawn, Adam Baumgold Gallery, NYC
Résumé, Trafic Galerie, Paris
Exposition Collectif, Trafic Galerie, Paris
2010 Same:Difference, curated by Julien Robson and Robert Cozzolino, Annenberg
Gallery, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
Voilà L’été, Trafic Galerie, Paris
Art on Paper, Trafic Galerie, Brussels
2009 About Face, Adam Baumgold Gallery, NYC
Punctum Pistorum - Kit Brown and Collaborations, Trafic Galerie, Paris
2008 Sexy Time: A Group Effort, Morgan Lehman Gallery, NYC
Surreal Naivete, curated by L. Mario Prian and Bunsie Vasvani, M.Y. Art
Prospects, NYC (catalog)
Salon du Dessin, Trafic Galerie, Paris
Le Salon du Dessin Contemporain, Andrew Edlin Gallery, Paris
Red Dot, Adam Baumgold Gallery, NYC
Spot Check: Academy Contemporary, curated by Robert Cozzolino, Morris
Gallery, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
Paper, Projects Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
2007 Drawn to the Edge, Adam Baumgold Gallery, NYC
Block Party II, An Exhibition of Drawings, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
This Place is Ours! Puts Recent Academy Acquisitions in Context, curated by
Robert Cozzolino, Fisher Brooks Gallery, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
Bridge Art Fair, Projects Gallery, Chicago
2006 MisCreated, with Paul Laffoley, Nina Fletcher and Howard Johnson, curated by
Tina Zlody, Clark University, Worcester, MA
Internal Guidance Systems, curated by Colin Rhodes and Anne Marie Grgich,
Visionary Art Touring Exhibition, USA
Bridge Art Fair, Projects Gallery, Miami
2005 Contemporary Erotic Drawing, curated by Harry Philbrick, Sara Kellner and
Stuart Horodner, Diverse Works, Houston, TX and The Aldrich Contemporary Art
Museum, Ridgefield, CT (catalog)
Summer Selections 1, Fleisher/Ollman Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Drawing For It 2, Spector Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Operation RAW, Ice Box Project Room, Philadelphia, PA
2004 Itsy Bitsy Spider, Feature, Inc., NYC
Anatomically Correct, curated by Koan-Jeff Baysa, 473 Broadway Gallery, NYC
Between the Lines, Projects Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
2003 Innocence & Transgression, curated by John Zorn, The Proposition, NYC
Fantastic and Visionary Art, curated by Damian Michaels and Alan Sisley,
Orange Regional Gallery Touring Exhibition, Australia (catalog)
2002 Art of the Ethnosphere, Cavin-Morris Gallery, NYC
1998 Pay Per It, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
1996 Off the Wall: A Mural Project, with Akinsheye Brown, Juan Gomez and
Rafael Tiberino, curated by Lisa Panzera, Levy Gallery,
Moore College of Art and Design, Philadelphia, PA
1995 Sextasy Ball, Advanced Alternative Media, NYC
The Love Show, Pentimenti Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
1992 Art at the Armory, Philadelphia, PA
1989 Art Around the Edges, Port of History Museum, Philadelphia, PA
1985 Micro Max, Now Gallery, NYC
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
Numerous private international collections
2022 HEY! LE DESSIN, Le Musée de la Halle Saint Pierre, Paris (reproductions)
2007 Untitled publication, no.1 (spring), Feature, Inc., NYC (reproductions)
2005 Koestenbaum, Wayne, Taylor and Sue, Contemporary Movements and Surveys:
Contemporary Erotic Drawing, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum
2022 Chernetska, Alla, HEY! LE DESSIN, Raw Reviews, Raw Vision Magazine, RV#110 (reproduction)
2020 Harlock, Caoimhe, Up from the Slime, Art by Huston Ripley, Evergreen Review, F/W 2020 (reproductions)
2015 Anne and Julien, Huston Ripley, (Interview), HEY! Modern Art & Pop Culture,
#21 (reproductions)
2011 Johnson, Ken, Huston Ripley: Drawings, Art in Review, The New York Times,
Sept.16, p. C29
Houhoulis, Owen, Huston Ripley, According to What: Notes on Art, Design and
Asia, Oct. 8 (reproductions)
2009 Monnin, Françoise, Les enluminés illuminés de Huston Ripley, Artension, #48
Girardot, N.J., Raw Reviews, Raw Vision Magazine, RV#65
2008 Weiss, Harold, Hello Kali: Huston Ripley’s Drawings, NY Arts Magazine, Vol. 13
No. 7/8 (reproduction)
2007 Jesse Bransford/Huston Ripley/Dick Blair, Goings on About Town, The New
Yorker, July 2, p.13
Fallon, Roberta, PAFA’s Got a Brand New Bag: The Academy lifts itself into the
20th century, Philadelphia Weekly, August 8
2006 Murphy, Eliza, Raw Reviews, Raw Vision Magazine, RV#56 (reproduction)
Mowry, Betsy, Outsider Art, Pulse of the Twin Cities, October 12
2005 Glueck, Grace, Airborne Sex and Wicked Wallpaper: Sensual Samplings,
The New York Times, July 29
Genocchio, Benjamin, Erotic Goes Mainstream, The New York Times, May 8
2000 Blackburn, Meg, A Q&A with Artist Huston Ripley,,
Morgan, Robert C., Quick Take on Williamsburg, NY Arts Magazine, April, p.23
1997 Mangravite, Andrew, Believe It or Not, Philadelphia Forum, Feb. 27, p.7
1996 Deifor, David E., Huston Ripley, Featured Artist, X Connect, no. 5, October
1995 Polak, Maralyn, Puns Batted In, Philadelphia Inquirer, Sunday Magazine, June
11, p.7 (reproduction)
Awards and Honors
1998 Nineteenth Annual Symposium, Changing Values in Art: Public and Private,
Pratt Institute, Juror: Robert Storr
1994 Merion Art & Repro Award, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 97th Annual
Fellowship Exhibition, Jurors: Gregory Gillespie and Jack Cowart
1988 Mary Butler Memorial Award, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 91st
Annual Fellowship Exhibition, Juror: Rafael Ferrer
Artist Talks
2017 Latent Content Analysis, Panel Discussion, The Lodge Gallery, NYC
2006 MisCreated, with Paul Laffoley, Nina Fletcher and Howard Johnson, curated by
Tina Zlody, Clark University, Worcester, MA
1998 Nineteenth Annual Symposium, Changing Values in Art: Public and Private,
Pratt Institute
1996 Off the Wall: A Mural Project, with Akinsheye Brown, Juan Gomez and
Rafael Tiberino, curated by Lisa Panzera, Levy Gallery, Moore College of Art and
Design, Philadelphia, PA
2017 Interior Wall Mural, The Lodge Gallery, NYC
Interior Wall Mural, Side Street Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
2016 Exterior Wall Mural, The El Bar, N. Front St. and Master St., Philadelphia, PA
2015 Courtyard Mural, The El Bar, N. Front St. and Master St., Philadelphia, PA
1997 Interior Wall Mural, Upstairs at Nick’s, 2nd St. and Market St., Philadelphia, PA
1996 Interior Wall Mural, Moore College of Art and Design, Philadelphia, PA
1995 Exterior Wall Mural, Fergie’s Pub, 12th St. and Sansom St., Philadelphia, PA
1993 Exterior Wall Mural, The Fake House, 39th St. and Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, PA
1991 Interior Wall Mural, Dirty Frank’s, 13th St. and Pine St., Philadelphia, PA
1994 Artwork (paintings) displayed in feature film, Renaissance, David Mercy, producer